Students & Community

Wellbeing & Support Services

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  • Wellbeing & Support Services
MCC is committed to working closely with students, parents/caregivers and members of the community to develop healthy, happy, successful and productive individuals. We play a pivotal role in connecting character development in children and young people to individual and collective wellbeing, which, in the longer term, will shape the values and attitudes of our society. We also nurture professional relationships that are safe, respectful and supportive, and which help students to reach their full potential.

The school fosters strong connections with counselling and wellbeing support services that provide essential expertise. Parents/caregivers are also able to self-refer to these agencies using the following links:

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS):
  • A free community-based mental health service provided through SA Health’s Women’s and Children’s Health Network. Providing mental health services to infants, children, adolescents and perinatal women and families.
  • CAMHS Connect: 1300 222 647
  • Self-referral via: About_CAMHS_Fact_Sheet_20-Mar-2020.pdf
  • Aim to prevent homelessness and reduce its impact, particularly on families and young people, through innovative prevention and early intervention initiatives.
  • Phone: 8531 4900
  • More information: Reconnect Brochure
Regional Access:
  • Free professional telephone and online counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people 15 years and older living or working in regional South Australia.
  • Phone: 1300 032 186
  • Self-referral via:
Murray Mallee Adelaide Hills Domestic Violence Service